Categories for Oral Health

Insurance-Friendly Dentist in Avon, Indiana!

We work hard to offer quality dental care to patients throughout the Avon area. We know all too well that the cost of dental care can prevent some patients from accessing the treatment they need. Read our blog post to learn about our multiple payment and financing options. We are also insurance-friendly!

Can You Get a Cavity After a Filling?

The majority of Americans will require at least one dental filling to treat a cavity. This common procedure protects your tooth from any further damage from bacteria and acid. Whether you’ve just gotten a filling or you’ll get one soon, read our blog post for information that will help you understand how fillings work.

Is it Possible for Dental Implants to Fail?

If you’re you’re looking to treat missing teeth, you are probably doing your research to determine which treatment best fits your goals, budget, and comfort level. Read our blog post to learn about dental implants, one of our most popular treatments for missing teeth.

What Causes Plaque Buildup?

Dental plaque is a soft, sticky substance that forms on your teeth and builds up over time. If it isn’t removed during regular brushing and flossing, it can cause cavities, irritate the gums, and form into tartar. Check out our blog post for a look at some of the causes for plaque buildup as well as some tips for avoiding it.

What Does Acid Erosion Do to Teeth?

Acid is the enemy of healthy teeth. Much of our preventive care revolves around helping our patients limit the exposure of their pearly whites to acid, which in turn can limit enamel erosion. Read our blog post for steps you and your family can take to protect your teeth from acid erosion.

Do Cavities in My Child’s Baby Teeth Need to Be Addressed?

Just because baby teeth only last a few years doesn’t mean that they aren’t important. In fact, healthy baby teeth can help set your child up for strong and healthy permanent teeth. Read our blog post to learn about the importance of addressing cavities in baby teeth.

Is Chewing Gum Just As Good As Proper Brushing?

When it comes to maintaining your oral health, nothing is as important as preventive care. Nothing can substitute for brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing each day – not even chewing gum. Read our blog post for details!

Effects of Smoking on Your Teeth

If you have a smoking habit, chances are you’ve heard about the many negative impacts the habit can have on your health. While smoking’s impact on your teeth isn’t discussed as much, it can also have major repercussions on your oral health. Read our blog post where we talk about the effects of smoking on both the health of your teeth and the appearance of your smile, as well as share some strategies for mitigating the effects of smoking.

Are You Too Embarrassed to See the Dentist?

While we wish that all of our patients visited us every six months for regular cleanings and exams, we understand that sometimes life gets in the way. Whether it’s your busy schedule, dental anxiety, or some other reason that’s kept you from the dentist, our team is always ready to welcome you back! Read our blog post to learn how we do that.

Are Composite Dental Fillings Safe for My Mouth?

As modern dental technology has improved, the materials and chemicals used in dentistry have changed in favor of nontoxic alternatives. Read our blog post where we shine a spotlight on how our team uses composite dental fillings to restore and preserve the oral health of our patients.