Categories for Restorative Dentistry

Why Are We Attracted to People Who Smile

Your smile is one of your most powerful assets. Have you ever realized that you’re more attracted to someone who is smiling or has a subtle grin when resting? You’re not alone. Read our blog post to learn more about showing off your pearly whites and the impact it has on those around you!

How Does Teeth Whitening Remove Stains?

While there’s no way to reverse aging, a wide variety of advances in medical technology have lessened its effects. Read our blog post where we discuss a popular treatment: professional teeth whitening.

Are CEREC Crowns As Durable As Other Dental Crowns?

Patients often ask if CEREC crowns are as durable as traditional crowns. Read our blog post where we address that question while providing a brief description of crowns in general and CEREC technology in particular.

Can I Get a Cavity on My Dental Implant?

Check out our blog post to discover whether bacteria can cause a cavity in a dental implant. We encourage you to ask us all your dental-related questions! Contact us with more questions or to schedule your next appointment at our Avon dental practice, near Indianapolis.

Why is CEREC® Better?

If you’ve ever gotten a crown, you know that means multiple appointments. You have to wait for the crown to […]