What Does Warmer Weather Mean for Your Teeth?

April 4, 2019 9:52 pm Published by
Temperatures are finally starting to rise, and summer will be here before you know it. Spring and summer not only bring better weather and a change in wardrobe — it can also mean improved oral health. Cold temperatures exacerbate many common dental issues, but warmer temperatures can help your smile regain its health. girl wearing a beret huddled up against the cold

How Does Cold Weather Affect Teeth?

Freezing temperatures expose your teeth to less than ideal environment. Normally, your teeth are used to temperatures around the same as your internal body temperature. When temperatures drop, teeth may feel more sensitive. Damaged enamel is often the culprit behind sensitive teeth.

Why Is Enamel Damage Serious?

When enamel is damaged, the dentin inside your teeth is exposed to chilly winter air. Dentin has nerve endings that result in that sensitive feeling. When summer finally rolls around, many of our patients report less tooth sensitivity. The outside air is closer to your body temperature and less likely to cause painful sensitivity.

How Do Cooler Temperatures Lead to Jaw Pain?

Cool temperatures that have you shivering and clenching your jaw to stay warm can also lead to jaw pain. Tensing up to stay warm can strain your jaw and create additional wear on teeth. When summer comes around, you can relax your jaw and enjoy warmer temperatures. Beyond eliminating some of the annoying issues caused by cold weather, summer is the perfect opportunity to get the smile of your dreams. Whether you’re interested in professional teeth whitening services, orthodontic treatment, or something else entirely, our team at Dental Solutions of Avon wants to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. To ask our team any questions or to schedule your next visit, contact our office today! Contact Us