Brrr – What You Need to Know About Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

December 7, 2016 7:05 pm Published by
Girl in winter clothes blowing cold air

Your fingers and the tip of your nose aren’t the only parts of your body that feel the chilling effects of the cold. Your teeth also may be sensitive to cold! If you experience pain when you a swig your favorite iced beverage—or even  when you take a deep breath of the frigid Indiana winter air—you’re not alone. A survey of U.S. dental offices found that 1 in 8 adults may suffer from tooth sensitivity.

At Dental Solutions, we’re here to help you learn more about this common ailment, including prevention and treatment options.

Why Teeth Are Sensitive to Cold

According to the American Dental Association, causes of tooth sensitivities include tooth decay (or cavities), worn fillings, gum disease, worn tooth enamel, and exposed tooth roots. When these conditions exist, they can result in cold or heat sensitivities. Drinking cold beverages, eating frozen treats, or being exposed to very cold air can exacerbate cold sensitivities.

Ways to Prevent Cold Sensitivity

Daily brushing and regular flossing can help prevent cavities, which often lead to tooth sensitivity. Proper brushing technique is important, as brushing too hard can contribute to wearing down tooth enamel and receding gums.

Acidic drinks and foods also can lead to sensitivity; consider limiting intake and brushing or rinsing your mouth as soon as possible after that morning cup of coffee.

Treatment for Tooth Sensitivity

Desensitizing toothpaste can be helpful with addressing cold sensitivity. We also have a variety of in-office treatments, including fluoride gel treatment and other dental and gum procedures.

If your cold sensitivity persists even after incorporating these prevention techniques into your dental hygiene routine, we are here for you. Visit us for a consultation and all your other dental needs!

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