Author Archives for Indy Dental Solutions

What Kind of Damage Does Whitening Toothpaste Do to My Teeth?

February 3, 2020 7:50 pm Published by Comments Off on What Kind of Damage Does Whitening Toothpaste Do to My Teeth?

The benefits of whitening toothpaste are pretty appealing. There are a lot of discussions out there about whether whitening toothpaste may promise to brighten your teeth only at the expense of your health. Check out our blog post for everything you need to know about teeth whitening alternatives.

Why Are Some Fillings Bad for Our Health?

January 31, 2020 9:13 pm Published by Comments Off on Why Are Some Fillings Bad for Our Health?

Over the past several decades, there has been a lot of controversy over amalgam fillings, more commonly known as silver fillings. Check out our blog post to learn more about amalgam and composite fillings.

Why Is Teeth Grinding Harmful?

January 24, 2020 8:42 pm Published by Comments Off on Why Is Teeth Grinding Harmful?

Many people grind their teeth at night occasionally, and it is not usually a problem or a cause for alarm. However, if you find that you wake up with tight or fatigued muscles in your jaw, neck, or face more often than not, you may have a condition called sleep bruxism, which can lead to serious problems if left untreated. Read our blog post to learn more!